
Cartoon of a hand placing pointing finger on a yellow pad to scan the fingerprint

Instructions for How to Use IdentoGo Website

Go to the IdentoGo website. Enter the MED Service Code-25YGBJ (do not use the options at the bottom of the page or you will be misdirected).

  1. Choose "Schedule or Manage Appointment"
  2. Enter the required information on each of the following screens:
    • Essential info,
    • Citizenship,
    • Personal questions,
    • Personal info,
    • Address,
    • Documents (what form of ID do you wish to use to confirm Identity),
    • Location (enter your zip code to find a location near you)
    • Choose the site you wish to go to by clicking on the expand arrow, then click the next button within that section,
    • Date and Time (choose the date and time you want to set for your appt.), then click submit
  3. You will be expected to pay the $57 fee at your fingerprint appointment.
  4. Once your fingerprints are scanned, they will be sent directly to CBI. If you are out-of-state, you will be required to pay an additional fee ($39.95) to submit the prints to Colorado.
  5. DO NOT call the site you wish to visit, as they may provide inaccurate information. We recommend using the information provided on the website.
  6. If you have questions or problems, please email michelle.bauman@state.co.us