Instructions for How to Use IdentoGo Website
Go to the IdentoGo website. Enter the MED Service Code-25YGBJ (do not use the options at the bottom of the page or you will be misdirected).
- Choose "Schedule or Manage Appointment"
- Enter the required information on each of the following screens:
- Essential info,
- Citizenship,
- Personal questions,
- Personal info,
- Address,
- Documents (what form of ID do you wish to use to confirm Identity),
- Location (enter your zip code to find a location near you)
- Choose the site you wish to go to by clicking on the expand arrow, then click the next button within that section,
- Date and Time (choose the date and time you want to set for your appt.), then click submit
- You will be expected to pay the $57 fee at your fingerprint appointment.
- Once your fingerprints are scanned, they will be sent directly to CBI. If you are out-of-state, you will be required to pay an additional fee ($39.95) to submit the prints to Colorado.
- DO NOT call the site you wish to visit, as they may provide inaccurate information. We recommend using the information provided on the website.
- If you have questions or problems, please email michelle.bauman@state.co.us