Third Party Fingerprint Providers

Cartoon of a hand placing pointing finger on a yellow pad to scan the fingerprint

Fingerprint Requirements

All applicants are required to be fingerprinted at the time of application (and/or renewal if an owner). Below are instructions and information on using an approved third-party vendor.

Online, Mail or Drop-Off

If you are applying online, by mail or via drop-off - you must use a third-party fingerprint provider. Customers can find information on the available third-party fingerprint service providers below. Please have your fingerprints done after submitting your application (preferably within 7 days of submission). You may schedule an appointment ahead of time with the vendor, however you must submit your application PRIOR TO being fingerprinted by a third party.

Third-Party Vendors

When you choose the third-party vendor you wish to use, please be sure to select the correct fingerprint type (you will pay between $54-$57 which includes a rolling fee) if you live in the State of Colorado. Do not choose an option that looks less expensive. If you do, we will not get the fingerprint results and you will have to mail the hard card to our office. This will significantly delay the processing of your application by weeks, and you will also still have to pay the $39.50 processing fee charged by CBI. Do not choose the out-of-state option unless you truly live out-of-state, as this is more expensive.

If you have made an in-person appointment to submit your application, we can take your fingerprints during that appointment. The MED does not accept fingerprint only appointments. The cost for having fingerprints taken at the MED will be $39.50, which is in addition to the application fee. Payments can be made by check, money order and credit/debit cards. No cash will be accepted.

Colorado Fingerprinting:


Outside of Colorado