Employee License Renewals

Icon graphic of generic resume, pencil, id, and green checkmark

Before You Renew Your Employee License

Please be aware:

  1. Applying for or holding a MED Employee License and/or working within the Colorado Regulated Marijuana industry may have adverse Federal Immigration consequences.
  2. You cannot renew an expired license/badge; if you allow your badge to expire you must reapply for a new employee license. You are not permitted to continue working with an expired badge.
  3. You need to schedule an appointment if you want to meet with an MED licensing specialist. If you miss three or more scheduled appointments, you may not reschedule online.

Application Checklist 

Number one in green circles

Step 1. Submit a Renewal Application

For RENEWAL applications, apply either by submitting digitally, submitting by mail, or dropping off your renewal application in person at the Lakewood office. Additional information on each option is under "Submit Your Application" below.

Number 2 in green circles

Step 2. Submit Supporting Documents


  • You must have some form of identification to apply.
  • Your identification must have a photo
  • You can apply with an out-of-state ID; however, the ID must be current. 
  • You can live anywhere in the U.S. and apply for a Colorado MED License/Badge.
  • Keep in mind that the MED License/Badge is only valid in Colorado.  
  • You must include a copy of your identification in the application. 
  • If your identification does not list your current correct address, you can still use it to apply - please make sure you provide your current address on your application. Once a license is approved, the MED badge will be mailed to the mailing address listed on the application.

Number 3 in green circles

Step 3. Pay the Application Fee

Submit a NON-REFUNDABLE application fee for a two-year license.

  • Please see the SB24-076 emergency rules updated fee schedule for current fees, effective Aug. 7, 2024
  • If applying by mail, please download the renewal employee application. You must pay by check or money order- please send only the amount due.  DO NOT add on extra service fees, as they do not apply to fees submitted by mail.

After You Apply

Employee licenses that are renewed prior to their expiration date will receive a Colorado Interactive (CI) receipt that employees should retain with their previous badge until they receive their new badge as proof of valid license. If the licensee attempts to renew their employee license the day after expiration date or later, the licensee will need to apply for a new employee license even if they received a receipt from CI. 

Once full payment is received for a renewed employee license, MED will email the licensee a receipt that should be retained with their expired badge as proof of valid license until a new badge is received.  Retaining the receipt and previous/expired badge until a new badge is received will allow an employee to continue to work while on the licensed premise.

Further, to assist in any need for state or local regulators or local law enforcement to verify a licensee's identification, such licensees are encouraged to maintain accessible picture identification (e.g. driver license or ID card) when exercising the privileges of their license. The status of a MED license can also be verified by using the Licensee Lookup Tool.

If the renewal applicant fails to pass the background check, you can request a meeting to resolve any issues. If you choose not to pursue this option, you must return your expired badge to the MED and discontinue your employment within Colorado's Marijuana Industry.  

Ways to Submit Your Application


Submit Digitally

For RENEWAL applications, use your computer, phone, or another device with internet access to submit your application.

For detailed instructions see our training video

Did you use our online application? If so, we want to hear from you! Please submit your feedback on this Google Form.


Submit by Mail

Colorado Springs/Southern Regional Office

2447 North Union Blvd. 
Colorado Springs, CO  80909

Grand Junction/Western Slope Regional Office

200 Grand Ave., Suite 202
Grand Junction, CO 81501

Lakewood Office

1697 Cole Blvd., Suite 200
Lakewood, CO 80401


Drop Off In-Person

Lakewood Office Location Only

1697 Cole Blvd. Suite 200,
Lakewood, CO 80401

The MED Lakewood Office Drop Box is available from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please place your complete applications in an envelope to keep the application intact. 

In-Person (Appointments Only) 
at MED Lakewood and Colorado Springs Office Locations 

  • Please use the appointment scheduling link to schedule an appointment. This tool will allow you to choose your appointment type and location closest to you.
  • You must have your completed application and any additional documentation available at the time of your scheduled appointment.
  • If you arrive more than ten (10) minutes late for your scheduled appointment, your appointment will be canceled, and you must reschedule.