Approved Responsible Vendor Program Providers

cartoon drawing of front of a shop with open signs

Responsible Vendor Training Program

The MED has approved the following businesses' Responsible Vendor training programs. Only the training programs listed below have been approved by the MED to administer Responsible Vendor training and to confer Responsible Vendor designation to Medical Marijuana Stores and Retail Marijuana Stores.

Please note that approved Responsible Vendor Providers may elect to add additional, value-added material outside of the scope of what MED requires in Rules 3-515 and 3-520. However, this material has not been reviewed by MED or CDPHE and is, therefore, the provider's responsibility to ensure accuracy.

Please email dor_medresponsiblevendorapp@state.co.us to report a business or individual claiming to have MED approval if they are not on this list.

Vendor List

You can access the vendor's website by clicking on the vendor's name below.

Apply to become a MED Approved Responsible Vendor Training Provider